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My Story

My name is Mary Elizabeth Bonds and I am an occupational therapist and MNRI Core Specialist. As a therapist for over 20 years, I've worked with clients of all ages and from all walks of life and have noticed that everyone has experienced trauma in some form or fashion. I founded Organic Therapy Solutions™, LLC to provide healing to clients of all ages, utilizing non-invasive treatment modalities such as Craniosacral Therapy and the Masgutova Method (MNRI) as well as doTerra essential oils. 

My journey of trauma recovery has been vast and I can personally and professionally attest to the healing powers of Craniosacral Therapy and MNRI. Craniosacral therapy is an inside out treatment approach while the Masgutova Method is a bottom-up approach. These two go hand in hand and I utilize these organic methods of healing touch with my family, my clients, and myself. 

My passion is providing hope and healing in an organic manner and educating others along the way so they too can let go of patterns not serving them well and find balance, joy, and freedom.

I look forward to joining you on your journey of healing!


My Approach

MNRI or the Masgutova Method is a comprehensive set of programs, created by Dr. Masgutova, serving hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. It is commonly known as “the missing link”. MNRI is unique in that it works with primary reflex patterns at a subcortical level, where most therapies, schooling, training use a cortical approach; some may call that “putting the cart before the horse”.  MNRI uses primary reflex patterns to establish a critical foundation that strengthens the nervous system, stress resilience, and neuroplasticity of the brain. Primary reflexes are seen in utero; help an infant enter the world; are the foundation for development; commonly maturing between 2-3 years of age. These reflex patterns integrate, serve as pillars, and become the neurological foundation for all we do. They are responsible for stability, grounding, postural control, auditory and visual skills, communication, behavior, and so much more, even our survival. If these basic reflex patterns do not mature/integrate or are inhibited, the support system is lacking. Birth traumas, prolonged stress, genetic or environmental factors, accidents, or illnesses can prevent or damage these pillars of life, leaving us with compensations; this imbalance causes stress in our bodies. Specialists activate sensory stimuli and provide the correct motor pattern, teaching at a brainstem level. Sensory + Motor Pattern = Foundation 


I feel honored to study under Dr. Masgutova and enjoy learning from her on numerous levels. Not only am I an MNRI Core Specialist, I attended the MNRI PTSD Conference myself and attempt to use the method daily for my own health and stability and provide it to my family, friends, and clients! It is healing from the inside; it works!! I am a testament as are the many individuals I have had the privilege to work with. 

On my treatment table, I also utilize the Richway BioMat. This is an FDA 510K Class II medical device that delivers deep penetrating far infrared rays, negative ions, and the conductive properties of amethyst channels.  It helps relieve pain and stress, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and improve sleep. The product is based on Nobel prize-winning scientific research pioneered by NASA and developed using pure, natural materials.

Tina Moore

Christina "Tina" Moore is trained in Neurotactile, Archetype and Dynamic and Postural reflexes.  She loves to see the transformation in a person and family through MNRI and has personally experienced many amazing reflex changes through MNRI.   She is a Registered Nurse and has a master's in Global Public Health and grew up living overseas and traveling to many wonderful places. Tina has a husband and 3 children who have all benefited from MNRI.  She loves being a follower of Jesus Christ, hiking and sharing meals with neighbors.

Tina is delightful to work with and has a passion to assist other families, in many capacities. She is a dedicated wife, mom, friend, and practitioner and pours into her community. She and her family have been instrumental in establishing the Bonds Family Method and are true testaments to our method at Organic Therapy Solutions. 

-Mary Elizabeth

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