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dōTERRA Essential Oils

What are Essential Oils?

What are essential oils? Essential oils are the essence of a plant, a gift from the earth, distilled and prepared for you to bring the power of nature into your home. Inside many plants—hidden in roots, seeds, flowers, bark—are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils. Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits. 

What Makes Essential Oils Effective? 

Some essential oils are soothing, toning, and grounding, while others are energizing, warming, and renewing—but all essential oils are natural. The variety of essential oils allows you to naturally and effectively address your specific concerns.  

With so many essential oils available, you can tailor them to your specific wants and needs rather than be forced to settle for a generic solution. This makes essential oils a popular choice for those looking for the best natural solutions in the modern era. The versatility of essential oils is part of what has made them so popular in recent years. People love that they can use essential oils for a variety of tasks, without having to buy multiple products. 

What Are Essential Oils Used for Today? 

Historically, essential oils were used as part of cultural practices and traditions. However, we now have increasing scientific evidence and research showing that essential oils can be effectively and safely used in a wider range of day-to-day practices and routines for amazing benefits. Today, essential oils can be used for cooking, household cleaning, personal hygiene, and much more. 

When you use essential oils, you'll have more natural solutions and fewer toxic, synthetically manufactured products in your life and home. 


How Do I Use Essential oils?

Essential oils are used for a very wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. One can use a single oil or a complex blend in one of three ways: 

  • Aromatically: Certain essential oils, when diffused, can be very stimulating, while others calm and soothe the nervous system. Diffusing essential oils can also cleanse and purify the air. 

  • Topically : Essential oils are easily absorbed into the skin and can be safely applied topically. Typically one will utilize a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil (FCO), almond oil, or jojoba oil to dilute the oil and improve absorption. 

  • Internal: Certain essential oils have a deep culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements in a wellness plan. 

Essential oils are an incredible resource when it comes to taking care of your and your family’s health. No matter how you choose to utilize these gifts from the earth, the positive effects of essential oils are endless. 

It is important to ensure the essential oils you are using are capable of delivering on their promise. You want to make sure the essential oils you choose are potent and pure. Of all the essential oils on the market today, that’s why I utilize dōTERRA essential oils. I trust and love the products and the company! 


 dōTERRA © 2021 

I also offer personalized Itovi scans. This is a small hand-held non-diagnostic device that shows you which essential oils and supplements your body has the strongest response to at the time of the scan through galvanic skin response (GSR). This can help one develop a wellness plan.

Scans are available for $25/individual and $35/family. 

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